Internet Business Explained
To deeply understand success on the Net, a must read is: “The Long Tail: Why the Future Is Selling LESS of MORE” by Chris Anderson.
The Long Tail Theory proposed by Chris Anderson, past executive editor of WIRED magazine demonstrates the new Economic Principles impacting our world.
In the most important business book since the Tipping Point, Chris Anderson shows how the future of commerce and culture isn’t in hits but in what used to be regarded as misses-the endlessly long tail of niche products in the demand curve.
“It belongs on the shelf between the Tipping Point and Freakonomics.” – Reed Hastings, CEO Netflix
“Anderson insights…continue to influence google strategic thinking in a profound way.” –Eric Schmidt, CEO, Google
“Anyone who cares about media – indeed, anyone who cares about our society and where it’s going – must read this book.” –Rob Glaser, CEO RealNetworks
“Technology and the Internet are making the world a smaller and more connected place. The Long Tail is the first book to explain exactly how the ability to reach markets creates big opportunities.” -Terry Semel, CEO, Yahoo!